

Emerging Artist-in-Residency Program: Visual Art

The residency is designed to assist ӣƵart department graduates in growing and strengthening their artistic practice in a supportive community with access to studio facilities and mentorship as they create a mature body of work to launch their professional art career or apply for Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs or postgraduate degrees in related fields, such as M.A. in art education, museum studies, or art history.

Residency Requirements

  • B.A. in Art (or related field) from ӣƵCollege. 
  • Clearly stated goal to use the residency in preparation for a career as a professional artist or entry into a postgraduate program. 
  • A deep commitment to and a high level of proficiency in their chosen medium and discipline to work independently in an open studio environment.  
  • Ability to engage with students and contribute to the art department via participation in all of the  following: art events, gallery assistance, classroom teaching assistance, and weekly studio maintenance  duties.

Residency Benefits

  • Area-specific access to ӣƵCollege Department of Art facilities during residency period,  abiding by college access policies and departmental safety procedures 
  • A dedicated workspace (area-specific accommodations vary) 
  • Faculty mentorship and monthly group critiques 
  • Acquiring an understanding of teaching methodology, studio maintenance responsibilities, gallery management skills, and additional professional experiences applicable to careers in the arts. These skills will be gained through 6-8 hours per week of hands-on participation and contribution to the art community at Meredith. Residents will be paired with a media-specific faculty mentor who will  supervise weekly responsibilities and guide the resident’s experiential learning.  
  • Conceptual development and increased proficiency in technique and process demonstrated through the production of a portfolio of cohesive work 
  • An exhibition of work produced during the residency period, held in the Gaddy-Hamrick Corridor Gallery, scheduled to open on Reading Day
  • Stipend/Award of $1,200* for semester-long residency. $200 received upfront for supplies with the remaining $1,000 divided into payments over the course of the semester for additional materials and other expenses. (*If a resident is unable to fulfill all the outlined responsibilities of the residency, either by the resident’s own choice, or by termination due to lack of compliance, the stipend will be prorated accordingly).  

Residency Expectations

  • To commit to the residency program for the specified period, beginning with a mandatory orientation meeting and concluding with de-installation of the exhibition 
  • To supply all materials used during the residency (a studio fee may be applicable in certain media specific areas)
  • To independently produce a significant body of work appropriate to the length of the residency program (Note: the residency is not a workshop nor an opportunity to receive training in a new skill. Residents create work independently and receive feedback from faculty mentors and fellow residents during scheduled critiques.)
  • To contribute to the community 6-8 hours a week of documented activities including teaching assistance, facilitating open studio hours, assisting with studio maintenance tasks, assisting with gallery installation/de-installation and related activities, participation in group critiques, teaching workshops, etc.  
  • To be an exemplary role model for the art department students and the ӣƵCollege community, demonstrated through reliability, accessibility, work ethic, personal conduct, and respect for and maintenance of work areas and studio facilities.

Application Deadline and Media Area Availability

Application Deadline is June 1, 2024, for Fall ’24 and Spring ‘25 Semester Residencies. Residents may be selected in the areas of Ceramics/Sculpture (F’24/S’25), Fibers/Weaving (F’24/S’25), Painting (F’24/S’25), Printmaking (S’25). Applicants should indicate their preferred semester and area of application. We strongly recommend that applicants have an in-depth conversation with the faculty mentor in their media area before applying to discuss how the residency is an appropriate step in career development, whether the proposed project is a good fit for the residency, and schedule alignment for in-class assistance, studio work time, and critical feedback.

Application Process

  • Current resume 
  • Artist statement (100-250 words)
  • Residency Proposal: Describe how you will use the residency to further your creative endeavors.  Include a description of the intended body of work (media, process, concept). Discuss your media knowledge and experience and your plan for deepening your expertise: your method of research and  exploration. Outline specific equipment, tools, software and technical assistance requests related to  your project. Address how you will balance your commitment to the responsibilities of the residency with your other life obligations, including your ability to adapt to a remote studio and online learning environment should that be required.
  • 10 digital images of current work that demonstrate proficiency in chosen medium. Detail images may be included when applicable. Standard format JPG @ 300 dpi. Include a corresponding PDF file with description of each work, title, date created, media, and size (h” x w” x d”).
  • Two letters of recommendation from sources familiar with your work, including a letter from the faculty mentor in the area you are applying.
  • Email application materials to Holly Fischer at fischerh@meredith.edu by June 1, 2024.

Selection Criteria

  • A selection committee will review residency applications and determine the final selection. Selection is merit-based and consideration includes the applicant’s media expertise, quality of work samples, ability to work independently, desire to contribute to current students and the art department, and the viability of project proposal.
  • The number of selected residents is determined by funding and availability of mentors. 
  • Final approval of selected candidates will be contingent on the successful completion of a background check.

Coronavirus Uncertainty Clause

The College may be required to make short-notice operational and facility access changes to the AIR program. These could include postponement of the AIR program and delay of subsequent payment until the program can safely be resumed and/or a transition of AIR benefits and expectations to a remote studio and online learning environment. Flexibility and adaptability will be required of all participants. Candidates should address their willingness and ability to make these adjustments in their residency proposal statement.

Contact Information:

Holly Fischer
Assistant Professor, Studio Art
143 Gaddy-Hamrick
(919) 760-8332


Faculty Mentor: 


Faculty Mentor: