

Parking on campus is by permit only. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors must display a parking permit at all times when the vehicle is parked on college property. All faculty, staff and students who park on campus are required to register their vehicles with the Campus Police Department. Questions concerning parking should be directed to the ӣƵCollege Campus Police Department Parking Director at 919-760-8888. ӣƵCollege assumes no responsibility for damage, loss, repossessions or theft of any vehicle parked on campus.

Parking Information

Students must register their vehicles with Campus Police, purchase a parking permit, and park in student designated parking lots.  Students are not permitted to park in visitor or staff/faculty spaces. List lots for commuter students and residence students and Oaks

  • Resident student parking – Lot 12, 14,15, and 16
  • Commuter student parking – Lot 6,7, 8**, 10**, and 17 (** Signage indicating student parking rows)
  • Oaks student parking – Lot 5 only

The following lots are available for student use between the hours of 4 pm – 7 am daily:

Alumnae House, Cate Lot, Chapel Lot, and Martin Lot

Disability parking is provided in many locations across campus. Vehicles displaying a disability placard or tag may park in any handicap space. For any vehicle that is parked in a disability space on campus, the disability placard/tag must be issued to the driver of the vehicle — with exception for instances in which the driver is providing an escort for the placard holder. Any student who has a state issued disability placard or tag registered in their name, must provide a copy of the placard and the disability registration card to Campus Police when obtaining a ӣƵCollege parking permit. 

Campus accessibility information »

Faculty/staff are authorized to park in designated spaces or lots with a faculty/staff decal. Faculty/staff are not authorized to park in visitor’s or student spaces.

Parking for sporting events will be located near the event site. The decision on sporting event parking will be based on weather, condition of the parking site and other on campus scheduled activities/events. Parking arrangements should be coordinated between the Campus Police Department and the Athletics Department.

ӣƵCollege welcomes visitors to campus.   Visitors are individuals not enrolled or employed by the college. Visitors are expected to comply with the college’s parking and traffic rules and are held responsible for citations issued for incorrect or improper parking. The following lots have designated visitor parking: Chapel, Alumnae House, and Library.  Main Campus Drive and the front Athletic Field lots are used for special events.

Visitors may park campus-wide daily after 6 p.m. with the exception of reserved spaces, which are enforced 24 hours a day.

All vendors/contractors working on campus must register their vehicle with Campus Police. Coordination between the vendor, program/event host and the Parking Director is required to determine parking availability and the type of permit to be utilized.

Coordination between the program/event host and the Parking Director is required to determine parking availability and the type of permit to be utilized for visitors attending a conference, seminar, or workshop on campus.

Reserved space parking is enforced at all times, including holidays and breaks.

As part of our crime prevention program, Campus Police offers security escort service 24 hours a day to all members of the college community upon request.  Officers may provide this service on foot, by golf cart, or by campus police vehicle.

Parking Fees

At the beginning of each semester, all students may qualify for the privilege of bringing a car on campus by signing the appropriate agreement, paying the parking permit fee, and displaying a numbered decal. Decals for students living in residence halls and commuting students must be affixed permanently with the decals adhesive to the rear left window of the car. Decals may not be taped to the rear window. Decals for apartment residents must be affixed to the front windshield of the car. Forms and decals may be obtained from Campus Police. Adequate parking is provided for all those who qualify.

Students can obtain a parking registration form from Campus Police. Once submitted and accepted, students can pick up the permit from Campus Police.

Fee Schedule for Parking Permits
Annual Residence Hall permit: $200
Annual Apartment resident permit: $200
Annual Commuter permit: $125
Annual Graduate permit: $100
Permits must be renewed each year by September 1st

A student who does not have a vehicle registered may purchase a temporary permit for $1.00 per day for a period not to exceed ten business days. The temporary permit must be for a specific need and is not intended for avoiding the purchase of a permanent permit.

A permit cannot be transferred from one vehicle to another. A replacement permit for a new vehicle is $5.00.

Parking Violations & Appeals

Parking regulations are enforced year-round, including breaks. Park only in areas designated by your permit. No warning tickets are given. The following parking practices are specifically prohibited:

  • Parking an unregistered vehicle anywhere on the ӣƵCampus.
  • Student parking on the Front Drive.
  • Double parking.
  • Parking on lawns, grass, landscaped areas, sidewalks, or other areas not set aside for parking.
  • Parking in such a manner as to block traffic, parked vehicles, or roadways.
  • Parking in fire lanes, loading areas, emergency areas marked as NO PARKING ZONES, including areas marked with diagonal yellow lines.
  • Parking in a handicap space without displaying a handicap placard or tag.
  • Parking in an area designated for registration decals other than the one displayed (for example, students parking in a reserved spot or parking in visitors’ area with a ӣƵdecal).
  • Parking is prohibited in the circle in front of Johnson Hall (Fire Lane). Exceptions will be allowed on move-in or move-out days as long as a driver remains with the vehicle at all times. Unattended vehicles will be ticketed and may be towed.
  • Parking is prohibited in the circle in front of Wainwright (Fire Lane).  Unattended vehicles will be ticketed and may be towed.
  • Apartment residents are not allowed to park on main campus. Residence Hall students are not permitted to park in the Oaks parking lot.
  • Parking fines are normally $50.
  • Fines for parking in handicapped or fire lanes are $100.
  • Auto-boot and towing fines are $100. Unregistered cars will be auto-booted and will not be released until all fines are paid. (An auto-boot is a device that clamps to the wheel of a car. Attempts to move a car with an auto-boot will result in serious damage to the car.)
  • If you are parked in a reserved or handicap space without the proper permits, your vehicle is subject to ticketing and towing.
  • Parking regulations remain in force at all hours.
  • If you need to unload your vehicle during any time moving in and out of the residence halls, even for a few minutes, contact Campus Police at 919-760-8888 for permission.
  • All vehicles parked on campus in any space without a parking permit are subject to be towed at owner’s expense.
  • Parking rules and regulations are enforced all year, at all times.

If the conduct of any student or employee establishes a continuing pattern of violations or disregard of parking regulations, then Executive Leadership Team (ELT) may temporarily suspend him or her from enrollment, employment, or parking privileges pending a hearing.

A vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense:

  • When parked in a reserved parking space without a permit that matches that space.
  • When illegally parked in an emergency space or when blocking an emergency road.
  • When the vehicle has received five or more parking violations and has been immobilized (booted) for the duration of 48 hours.
  • When illegally parked in an emergency space or when blocking an emergency road.
  • When a vehicle has been parked illegally for more than 10 days, or is determined to be “derelict” under N.C. General Statute 20-137.7. The Chief of Police is authorized to dispose of such vehicles as prescribed by N.C. General Statute 20-137.6 to 20-137.14.
  • Vehicles will be towed if they parked in a way that would impede the operation of the college or are creating a safety hazard.

Vehicles may be immobilized (booted) for any of the following reasons:

  • Non-payment of accrued fines, to include five or more unpaid citations.
  • Display of a lost, stolen, or revoked permit.
  • Unsatisfactory payment for a permit. Removal of the boot requires a payment of $100.00 in addition to payment of all accrued fines and other fees.

Wheel boots may be removed only by a member of the Campus Police Department upon payment of the boot removal fee and all outstanding fines. All payments must be made in the Accounting Office, Johnson Hall during business hours Monday through Friday.

It is unlawful for any person to produce any facsimile or reproduction of a permit, sticker, decal or other device indicating eligibility to park on campus. It is unlawful to steal or obtain a permit by fraud, deceit or trickery, willful misrepresentation of facts, purchase or gift from another. It is unlawful for any person in lawful possession of a parking permit to alter, give, sell, transfer or attempt to transfer a permit to another person or to place on a vehicle other than that for which it is registered. Violation of the provision is a misdemeanor.

Faculty, staff, students and visitors have the right to appeal a campus parking citation issued for violation of the colleges parking and traffic regulations. Appeals must be submitted within fifteen days of the violation. Please review the ӣƵCollege Traffic and Parking regulations before writing your appeal to ensure that your appeal is legitimate and to ensure that you are familiar with the regulations(s) for which you were cited. Appeal forms are available on-line.

The Appeal Board is made up of faculty, staff and students. Once the appeal has been heard and a decision made, notice is sent to the appellant informing him or her of the decision by e-mail. If you fail to comply with the appeal guidelines, your appeal will not be honored.

To file an appeal it must be within 15 days from the day of receiving the citation. To file an appeal please complete the parking appeal form, which can be obtained on line or at the Campus Police/Security Building.

For more information, contact 919-760-8888.

Contact Information
Security Building
(919) 760-8888