
Are you interested in: 

  • Solving problems
  • Understanding and explaining the past
  • Making and debating arguments
  • Challenging assumptions
  • Reading broadly
  • Writing clearly
  • Thinking critically and creatively

History majors cultivate skills in research, analysis, and communication develop an informed awareness of the modern world, and demonstrate the ability to be objective and discerning about other people and cultures.

Types of jobs:

  • Law Local, State, and Federal Government
  • Business
  • Museums or historic sites
  • Teaching
  • Libraries and archives
  • The foreign service
  • Paralegal professions
  • Journalism
  • Business
  • Publishing
  • Non-governmental organizations

Attend graduate school for:

  • College and university teaching
  • Law
  • Library science
  • Public history
  • Public administration
  • Government service

Options for the major:

  • B.A. in history
  • Double major or minor in any additional related area of interest
  • Teaching licensure for elementary, middle, or high school teaching
  • Experiential opportunities: undergraduate research, student teaching, History and Politics Club, or internships with:
    • North Carolina Museum of History
    • State Archives of North Carolina
    • North Carolina Historic Sites
    • North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources
    • Historic Oak View Country Park
    • Mordecai Historic Park
    • Joel Lane House Museum
    • North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
    • North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs

Professional associations:

  • American Historical Association 
  • Organization of American Historians 
  • Southern Historical Association
  • National Council on Public History 
  • Phi Alpha Theta, National History Honor Society 
  • Southern Association of Women Historians
  • National Council for History Education
  • American Association for State and Local History 
  • American Association of Museums 

Career outlook:

Additional information:

Meredith’s history major »

Famous History Majors:
Julia Child
Theodore Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
Antonin Scalia
Henry Kissinger
Conan O’Brien
Wolf Blitzer
Katharine Hepburn
W.E.B. DuBois
Richard Nixon
John F. Kennedy
Elena Kagan
Steve Carell
Eric Holder
Carly Fiorina
Franklin D. Roosevelt
George W. Bush
Dwight Eisenhower
Anthony Kennedy
Michael Palin
Martha Stewart