

 Jenna McChesney

Jenna McChesney

Assistant Professor, I-O Psychology

105 Ledford Hall

(919) 760-8401


Dr. Jenna McChesney joined the ӣƵfaculty in 2022 after receiving her M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology. She teaches many of the classes in the I-O Psychology Master of Arts graduate program and Intro to I-O Psychology (PSY 335) to undergraduates. Her teaching philosophy centers on real-world application of course content and personal mentorship. She also enjoys involving students in her research, which explores how stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination impact the workplace, particularly in hiring contexts. She is especially interested in finding ways to improve the inclusion and advancement of individuals from marginalized groups. Her printed scholarship has taken the form of refereed journal articles, book chapters, and reports, and has been featured in popular media outlets such as Fast Company, MSNBC.com, and U.S. News & World Report.

Academic Credentials

Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from North Carolina State University

M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Minnesota State University, Mankato

B.S. in Psychology from Radford University


EHHS Scholarly Activity Award 2023-24


Rade, C. & McChesney, J. E. (2024). Perceptions and Stereotypes of Job Applicants with Various Criminal Histories. In Griffith, J. & Young, N. (Eds.), Employing our Returning Citizens: An Employer-Centric View.

McChesney, J. E. & Foster, L. (2023). Is it #okaytosay I have anxiety and depression?
Evaluations of job applicants who disclose mental health problems on LinkedIn. Journal of Business and Psychology.                              

Glosenberg, A., Behrend, T., Tracey, T., Blustein, D. L., McChesney, J. E., & Foster, L. (2022). Evidence for “pushed out” and “opt out” factors in women’s career inclusion across the world of work in the United States. Journal of Career Assessment. 30(3).

McChesney, J. E., Campbell, C., Wang, J., & Foster, L. (2022). What is in a name? Effects of game-framing on perceptions of employers. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 30(1), 182-192. 

McChesney, J. E., Behrend, T., & Glosenberg, A. (2022). Stereotypical descriptions of
computer science careers are not representative of many computer scientists. Scientific Reports. 12(1), 1-9.                                             

For a more comprehensive list of her research and published work please visit her .


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